Philly Makes Week 4

Here’s a little teaser preview of what I’ve been working on this week.  Check out the Philly Makes!  blog today to see the full version:


Yes, I still make stuff!  Actually, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the direction I’d like to see my work go this year, ya know, with all my spare time & all.  No, seriously, you can stop laughing now.  This little piece is just the tip of the iceberg…. while I have more ideas than I have time right now, I’m hoping that will change soon.  Maybe the time management fairy will bestow upon me her worldly wisdom…  Or maybe I’ll just put on another pot of coffee.  Sleep is so overrated, anyway.

Spring: A Study in Yellow & Green

Yesterday was absolutely glorious in these parts of the country, so I took the opportunity to snap some evidence of spring before it gets cold again:


It’s colder today, but I’m feeling hopeful that these warm days will be coming back to visit sooner rather than later. 


And I guess these would be a study in gray & brown?  That tree’s been making eyes at me…



Most Prized Possession

Bill gave this photo to me for my birthday.  I love it, and I’m impressed that he was actually able to get them to all sit still together for more than 2 seconds…


Philly Makes! Week 2

I’ve been cooking a lot lately, and cooking a lot of vegetables at that. While one of my goals is to drop some poundage (this body’s not going back to the way it was without a fight!), my ultimate objective is health and nutrition.  So, my contribution this week to Philly Makes! is a recipe for Veggie Burgers- they’re quick, healthy, and way better than the store bought variety.  Click on over & check it out!

The Chirds Are Birping

Ah, spring.  We’ve all been longing for it, especially with the little ‘teaser’ warm days we’ve been peppered with over the past several weeks.  The large rhododendron bush that sits outside our kitchen window has been been transformed into an ornithological apartment building, taking on more and more tenants every morning.   I’ve caught several glimpses of the first robins in our yard, fresh back from their winter havens.  Sweet and downy cotton-tailed rabbits have come out of hiding.  We’ve even seen the tulip and narcissus bulbs that were planted last fall begin to pierce through our mulch beds with the promise of a colorful show to come.  And my favorites, the crocuses, have already started to bloom:












Aren’t they just so happy and cheerful?  They really have a way of lifting my spirits, especially on the colder days, when it seems like winter will never end– there are the crocuses, with their happy salute… until…

Those adorable, cute and fuzzy cottontails ATE them, leaving little more than a memory and some stubby little stems as evidence of the mass decapitation:


FOR REAL!  I love me some cute & fuzzy bunnies, but if they don’t stop, I’m gonna have to whip out some serious Elmer Fudd on their asses…



Philly Makes!

So, with the failure of my commitment to Thing-A-Day in February (will I ever stop talking about this?) I mentioned that I would be participating in the more manageable/reasonable Thing-A-Week, via the Philly Makeswebsite.  Basically, this is a group of Philadelphia area artists & crafters that have committed to posting a weekly project that they’ve either made or are in the process of making.

The beauty of it is, you can check back for daily inspirations, because everyone posts on a different day.  It just so happens that my day is today- Tuesday!  So check out Philly Makes  daily to see what we’re all up to, and to maybe get some great ideas!

“Truly You Have a Dizzying Intellect”


Wyatt, bringing me one of his toy sheep from the Playmobil Nativity Set:



Wyatt:      “Mom– he crying.”

Me, in my softest, most concerned voice:      “Why is he crying?”

Wyatt:      “Because he not happy”.

Me:      “Why isn’t he happy?”

Wyatt:      “Because he sad”.

Me:       “Why is he sad?

Wyatt:      “Because he crying…”

Creative Eats and a Sale!

Today is Jackson’s 2 month birthday, and I’m finally starting to feel the stirrings of what seems like my creative itch returning.  Maybe it’s the promise of spring, and all things new.  Maybe it’s just that it’s been so long, that whatever it is inside of me that says I must make things simply cannot be squelched anymore.  I seem to be always full of ideas, but no time lately to give to creative ventures (at least not if I feel like sleeping!).  But I’m hoping that will all change with my budding motivation, and the Philly Etsy Team‘s new Thing-A-Week challenge (based on the slightly more commitment-intensive Thing-A-Day challenge).

Anyway, until that happens, most of my creative energy has been put into Max’s party and FOOD!  This is what I managed to get done:

Two flag/pennant banners as pictured hanging above Max for re-usable party decorations,


Double chocolate-raspberry birthday cake, as requested by the birthday boy.  I used a delicious chocolate sour cream frosting recipe, and the largest raspberries known to man for the decorations.  In the middle was a deadly but delicious raspberry cream layer.  Only 46 grams of fat per serving!



As promised 6 or so months ago, Bakerella‘s cupcake bites to bring to Max’s preschool.   Mine don’t look quite as refined as hers, but they still turned out ok… I didn’t have the right size cookie cutter, so I basically had to “sculpt” them by hand.  By the time they were covered in chocolate, they sort of lost their cupcake shape a little.   They didn’t last long, though, so they must’ve tasted good!

Also, since we’re on the subject of the coming spring, I’ve decided to do some spring cleaning in ye olde Etsy Shoppe.  There’s not much left in there, but if you include “spring cleaning” or a reference to this blog post in the notes to seller, I’ll give you 20% off everything in the store through the weekend.  Some of my listings recently expired, so if you’ve been eyeing something that you don’t see anymore, just ask- I might still have it, but  just didn’t relist it.

Speaking of weekends, have a great one!!



The Big 5

“Mommy, did you know that when you turn 5, it happens in the middle of the night, and you don’t even feel it?”

Classic.  There’s one for the Therapy Jar… 

In case his face doesn’t reveal it, Max had a fabulous time.  A house full of 10 or so five year olds is quite an experience, but loads of fun.  I’m glad it’s over, though!