Mmm… Mmm… Mmmmmmm

After some screaming and tears this morning, we managed to get out the door in time to get Wyatt to his first Pre-School Halloween parade.  I have always been a fan of the homemade costume, but this year I decided I was going to give myself a break and not stress out over making costumes on top of all the craft show stuff I’ve got going on.   That is, until Wyatt told me he wanted to be a mummy….

Sounds fairly simple, just rip up some old sheets and wrap him up in it.  I won’t go into details, but it was NOT that simple!  I was able to put something together last night, and wouldn’t you know it, this morning he refused to wear it!  Once I convinced him to try on the pants, he was more willing to put on the rest, and all was right in our spooky little world again.

Lost in Translation

Max:    “Dad, you missed the gecko.”


Bill:    “Huh?”


Max:    “You missed the gecko.”


Bill:    “I missed the…. gecko?”


Max:    “Yeah.”


Bill:    “What the heck does that mean?”


Max:    “Well, you see, me, mommy, and Wyatt are all wearing red shirts… you aren’t…. so you missed the gecko.”


Me:    “No, Max.  It’s memo…. you missed the memo.”


Max:    “Oh.”

Jenkintown Library Craft Show

Thanks to everyone who came to the craft show this weekend.   We had great weather, and sales were better than I expected, which is always a nice surprise.  The falling leaves were a nice backdrop, even though I did have to keep picking them off my display.  My little houses seem to be striking the right chord with people… now I just have to figure out a better way to display them!  I was happy to send this little guy, among others, off to a good home:



Next up is a home show on the 18th, and then back to Doylestown on November 7th & 8th for Our Lady of Mt. Carmel’s holiday show.  Busy, busy, busy!  I know I’ve been a bit slow in getting things loaded into the Etsy shop, but if anyone is interested in any of my products, please do not hesitate to contact me through the comments section or email.  Thanks & happy fall!